Equity in Design and Planning Policies
with Kofi Boone, FASLA
Welcome to Science by the Slice! We're excited to host this hybrid event. We'll meet in in-person at 700 Park Offices Drive, (behind the Boxyard) to hear this month's speaker while we enjoy pizza, but space is limited. You can also join live remotely via Sigma Xi's Facebook page if you're unable to make it in person. A zoom link will also be sent out to registered attendees.
About the talk
This talk will share the legacy of inequitable policies on our communities, land use and transportation planning. It will present emerging tools designed to define and enact equity in future design and planning decision making.
Speaker Bio
Kofi Boone, FASLA is a Joseph D. Moore Distinguished Professor and University Faculty Scholar at NC State University. Kofi is a Detroit native and a graduate of the University of Michigan. His work is in the overlap between landscape architecture and environmental justice with specializations in democratic design and interpreting cultural landscapes. He leads the Just Communities Lab; a community collaborative approach to providing design and planning technical support to address environmental justice and social equity challenges. He is the winner of student and professional ASLA awards including the Jot D. Carpenter Teaching Medal. He is a Past President of the Landscape Architecture Foundation, an advisor to Partnership for Southern Equity-Just Communities, and serves on the board of the Land Loss Prevention Project. Along with M. Elen Deming, Kofi is co-editor of Empty Pedestals: Countering Confederate Narratives Through Public Design, forthcoming from LSU Press.
Virtual attendees:
Use the following URL to join Science by the Slice live on Facebook :
W e will also provide a zoom link to view the event to registered attendees.
Please RSVP only once. RSVP to either join in person or virtually.
We hope you'll join us remotely or in person for a great hour of science!
Science by the Slice is free and open to any interested members of the public, as well as science journalists and science communicators of all stripes. Feel free to extend this invitation to anyone who might want to attend.
Did you miss past Science by the Slice events? Check out our videos and podcasts of previous speakers: http://www.americanscientist.org/science/
Talks are co-organized with Science Communicators of North Carolina (SCONC). The RTP chapter of Sigma Xi is a co-organizer and co-sponsor, and encourages any interested scientists to get involved with the chapter and its upcoming events.